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Creating an online store with Wix: is it worth it?

In the current digital landscape, creating an online store is not just an option, but a pressing necessity for any business aspiring to grow and adapt to the new market dynamics. Wix, a robust and versatile platform for website design, offers tools that can be tailored to meet the needs of modern e-commerce. In this analysis, we will examine its capabilities, comparing them with alternatives, and evaluating whether it is truly worthwhile to invest in this system for the creation of a virtual store.

Technical Features of Wix for E-commerce

Ease of Use: Wix stands out for its intuitive interface, allowing even users with little technical experience to design and manage an online store. Its ‘drag and drop’ editor enables detailed customization without the need for programming knowledge.

Specialized Templates: The platform offers a wide range of templates focused on e-commerce, optimized for various market niches, providing an aesthetic and functional base that supports the best practices of usability and user interface (UI/UX).

Integrated SEO Tools: To make the online store visible, Wix includes SEO tools that help improve the store’s position in search engines. However, to compete with specialized platforms, advanced SEO might be required beyond the default options.

Customization Capabilities: Using Wix Corvid, developers can extend the functionality of a Wix store through custom code writing. This opens up possibilities for integrations and custom features, though it is less straightforward than solutions offered by platforms like Shopify or Magento.

Comparative Analysis with Other Platforms

Shopify: Often considered the gold standard for e-commerce. It offers a more robust set of dedicated e-commerce tools, including point-of-sale (POS) options and a wide range of apps. However, Wix presents an advantage in visual customization without the need to touch code.

Magento: A more suitable option for users with advanced e-commerce requirements and high-level customization. Although its power is undeniable, Wix offers a more user-friendly solution for small entrepreneurs looking for simplicity and ease of use.

WooCommerce: As a WordPress extension, it is ideal for those wanting exhaustive control and who possess deeper technical knowledge. Wix, in this regard, is more accessible and offers a more controlled but less flexible environment.

Case Studies: Companies that have succeeded with Wix

By examining real cases, one can discern the practical value of Wix. An example is ‘So Good To Wear’, a sustainable fashion store that has capitalized on the ease of use of Wix to rapidly expand its online presence. Its ability to integrate social media and email marketing through the platform has been crucial for its growth.

On the other hand, ‘Baking Time Club’, a baking utensil business, leveraged Wix’s SEO tools to improve its visibility and increase sales, showing that proper strategies can work well on this platform.

Projections for Innovation and Future Directions in Wix

Wix is constantly updating to meet the demands of an ever-transforming digital arena. The addition of advanced analytics and data solutions, along with improvements in international payment options, are areas where Wix could expand to match and even surpass its competitors.

In terms of innovation, the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities for design and marketing recommendations is a direction that Wix has already begun to explore with tools like Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence), which could propel the creation of even more personalized and efficient online stores.


As e-commerce continues to evolve, platforms like Wix play a crucial role in democratizing access to online sales tools. For emerging businesses or those that value simplicity and customizable aesthetics, Wix is undoubtedly a choice with great potential value. However, for companies with more advanced e-commerce needs and a specific focus on functionality over design, exploring other solutions like Magento or Shopify might be more prudent. As always, the choice depends on the specific priorities, resources, and strategies of the business in question.

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